This portfolio of Dubigeon drawings published by Éditions Astarte uses as its justification a loose connection with Pierre Louÿs’ infamous tongue-in-cheek Manuel de civilité à l’usage des petites filles, here specifically depicted by images of ‘grandes filles’. For more information about the publishing history of Louÿs’ text, go the the Rojan-illustrated version which you will find here.

With a preface by Stéphane Lévy Kuentz and a biographical note by Alexandre Dupouy, this hardback volume provides what is probably the best overview of Loïc Dubigeon’s erotic work, including some more abstract drawings on an erotic theme. The book was published in association with an exhibition of Dubigeon’s erotic work held at the Galerie Les Larmes d’Éros in Paris in October–November 1997.

Inevitably the drawings bear only a generic connection with the Louÿs texts liberally scattered through the book, but as the volume exists primarily for the pictures that is never a problem.