In a June 2022 article on Russian women artists in the online magazine Art Focus Now, Ariadne Arendt wrote ‘Alevtina Pyzhova’s work has the decorativeness and bright colours characteristic of many naïve artists; however, it stands apart for its eroticism. The nude body and sexuality in general were highly taboo in the Soviet Union, according to the famous catchphrase “there’s no sex in the USSR”. After glasnost this led to a strong outpouring of sexual energy in various creative media in the 1990s, most often by men. Pyzhova, who claimed the well-known singer and poet Vladimir Vysotsky among her past lovers, is a lone figure in this respect, representing a channel of all of the repressed sexual energy of Soviet women.’
In addition to some subjects which can be read as autobiographical, Pyzhova’s paintings include mythical and fictional themes such as Rusalka and Baba Yaga, scenes depicting devils, mermaids and jungles, and various copulations in the animal realm, from frogs to dinosaurs.